I've designed a form which has fields where I need to display currency(US) values.
I've made the fields as numeric type. I've added the display pattern as num.currency{} and also tried with num{($z,zzz,zzz9.99)}. But nothing seems to be working.
The amount value passed in the xml input is 7,002.978.
The result that I'm getting now is $0.00
When I changed the field to decimal type and added the same display pattern as above, the result that I get is BLANK: $
I need to format it such a way that it displays $7,002.99 in the form. There's no limit for the leading digits and the digits after decimal point should be 2. Is there a way to get this by changing the "PATTERNS" properties?
Please let me know how I can get the pattern right.
I'm using LC Designer ES2.