I have a form that I have created in LiveCycle Designer ES2 (v9.0), that is a dynamic XML form. I have pop up itmes based on if a item is selected or not. I also have a submit emial button for the user to use once the form is complete.
Here is my issues, I have several fields that are required, of all types (dropdowns, fill-ins...), that I have entered the Empty Message with a message that the field needs to be filled in. When I hit the submit button, there is no message and the email box pops up. On the email button I have some script that uses various fields in the subject and body of the email. Of course those areas say 'null' instead of the required fileds, because they are blank. Long story short, I am getting no message when the required fields are blank.
I am not getting any message that tell the users that there are blank fields. ANY HELP WOULD BE NICE. I am not a programmer so go easy on me.
If there is anyway I can get a speedy reponse?? as usual, I am under a deadline for this to be completed...
Thank you,