Hello everyone,
Here is my little concern, i have a table, a pretty normal one. What i am trying to do is this :
I'd like to be able to hide a complete column based on data. I have actually been able to hide a column completely, but my problem is that when the table breaks into a second page, the second page's header "cell" of the column i have hidden reappear.
Here is how i did my hiding :
- In the table Initialize script, i verify a condition, and if this condition is filled, i hide the header cell.
if (Verif.name4_we.rawValue == "" or Verif.name4_we.isNull) then
HeaderRow.Cell3.presence = "hidden"
- For the normal rows, i still verify the exact same condition and if the condition is filled, i hide the cell.
if (data.Page1.Test.Table1.Verif.name4_we.rawValue == "" or data.Page1.Test.Table1.Verif.name4_we.isNull) then
$.presence = "hidden"
This setup works pretty well if i only have one page :
5 is my header row name(i know it might be confusing i'm sorry), this is page 1, column 6 and 7 are hidden actually.
This is what happen on the next pages :
As you can see, only the header reappear, you can clearly notice that the items are still in hidden but since the header appear, it look
like there was a complete column.
Does anyone have an idea of what could be my issue?
Thanks alot!