Hi, I'm facing an issue,
let say I have the following subform structure (simplified):
- subform set
- form A (Checking)
- form B (Saving)
- form C (Credit Card)
Now, the subform set is a choice subform set, in the alternatives expression panel I have something like this:
form A: productCategory == "Checking";
form B: productCategory == "Saving";
form C: productCategory == "Credit Card";
And this is my (simplified) xml data:
<productName>"Saving Account 2.0"<productName>
<prodcutCategory>"Credit Card"<prodcutCategory>
<productName>"Checking Account Plus"<productName>
As you can see, the order in wich the data elements appear is not the same as the order I have my hierarchy formed. This results in having my hierarchy following the data order, and not the order I set in the first place, which I think it's a normal behavior.
However, I need to follow my hierarchy, disregarding the data ocurrence order.
I've tried to find some sort of index attribute in the subforms (there is actually an "index" attribute, but I couldn't work with it), but I had no luck.
If anyone knows how to achieve this, I'd appreciate it!.