Hi team ,
I have a rquirement in my company .The form should contain two basic drop downs that contain the text data,Names of Drop down : 1. Region 2. States.
In the intial state of form , three entries for the DD Region - R1, R2, R3 .Corresponding to each Region three states - like R1S1, R1S2, R1S3, R2S1 etc. so forth ..Init view -> If parent Region DD selected 'R1', it should show only corresponding states(viz. R1S1, R1S2, R3S3).
1) A check box to allow user to 'Add New 'Region'to the drow down of Regions
2) When the check is marked true, a new text box should show up where user can enter 'Region' name.
3)When the user enters, 'Region' name - he should click on 'Add Region' button to add the region to region DD. (Additional V3.2). Both the add region text box and button should show/hide simultanously- as per the values of check box above.
4)A pop message to confirm if the user want to proceed and add states to the Drop down.
5)If user selects 'Yes', then proceed to , open a field that asks no of states to be added .
6)If a valid number is entered then show those many text fields to enter the name of states.
7)After the states are entered , there will be button on right says - 'Add States' .
8)In the Step 4 , above if user selects 'No' , then do nothing
9)If all the steps above , pass- Add values in states drop down as (<Region>+<StateName >)
10) If the region is already there and user wants to add more states - post selection of the region in the region drown , show states already present and then also show button to add states - 'Add States to existing region'. If user click on that , it will again repeat with step 6.
Please suggest me how can i proceed ..
Thanks in Advance