Hello and thank you in advance for your help!
Here is what I need accomplished:
I have a Yes/No radio button with a separate textfield (called "txtEmailPublished") to the left of it.
When the user clicks the Yes button, the textfield should be visible on the PDF as well as APPEARS on the PRINTED PAGE when user uses the print button to print it.
When the user clicks the No button, the textfield should be visible on the PDF but DOES NOT APPEAR on the PRINTED PAGE when user uses the print button to print it
Here is what my issue is:
When I set the textfield's .relevant = "+print" and the .presence = "visible" properties, the textfield disappears. I have been playing around with several options (within the radio buttons and print button itself) but can't seem to get it the way the Client needs it to be. Any help would be appreciated it!