I Am using a drop down list: with clients names that upon specific choice from list I want to make a image field visible.
Drop Down has:
Client A
Client B
Image 1 is above the drop down list, Image 2, Image 3 are below the Drop down list and all images are set to visibile
I would like to have CLient A chosen and picture in Image1, 2, and 3 become visible otherwise they remain invisible.
I am completely lost I have tried a number of codes and java but I am clearly doing everything wrong.
Can we start basic please?
Should I use Java or FOrmcalc
On what type of even? ...
SIde note this Drop down list is already linked to a number of other fields where it auto populates them with the following code:
case "":
form1.Page1.ClientPatientCoordinator.rawValue = "";
form1.Page1.ClientPhone.rawValue = "";
form1.Page1.ClientFax.rawValue = "";
form1.Page1.ClientEmail.rawValue = "";
with Javascript on Exit at Client:
And is working great now thanks for everyones help...