Hi All, I would like to have a check box that when checked, will hide a quotation form, and make a purchase order form visible, carrying over some of the field data from the quotation form into a new table on the Purchase order form. I've attached this form at https://workspaces.acrobat.com/?d=pqpsXx5VPi*LkMeVKrX57w if you would like to take a look. When the checkbox is unchecked, it will hid the PO form, and make the quite form visible.
The idea behind this is that my client will create his quote and send t to his customer. Once the customer accepts the quote, he can just click a button to generate his purchase order that he will send to his supplier.
It seems that because I've got buttons to add rows on the quote form that the problem is more complex. I would be able to do this myself if the table had a fixed number of rows and I was able to use global fields and naming each cell something different, but beacuse it's a single repeating subform, I can't seem to make it work at all.
I understand that because its a repeating subform that I need to create an XML schema to accomplish this, but also can't figure out for the life of me how to actually create the schema. I've been reading tons of tutorials, but no clue how to apply it to my specific need. I have only been able only find info on how to bind the data source once it's been created.
I would be forever grateful if anyone could help me out.
Thank you!