I am really embarassed to ask this question, but I simply cannot get my buttons to work.
- I'm working in LiveCycle 10.4.2 / SAP OEM
- I have set my form to be dynamic.
- I'm targeting Reader v 9 or higher.
I added a button called "Click Me!"
I added the following script:
data.JP_Page1.sub_MentorAddress.Button1::click - (JavaScript, client)
alert ("Hello World");
When I preview or test the form in my dev environment (i.e., with data merged, saved as a PDF, and opened on my local machine), the cursor changes to an I-beam over the button and I cannot click the button as I would expect to.
I thought that maybe there were security issues related to raising an alert from a PDF, so I also tried to set the value of a text field on click, but that did not work, either. I've tried both FormCalc and JavaScript. No go.
I must be missing some basic setting, and I cannot figure out what it is.
Any ideas would be very much appreciated.