Hi, I am currently trying to figure out a way to populate certain field forms from a database I built from Excel using Access. I am a complete newbie at scripting and I know that will be involved. I also know that I would need to bind certain fields as well.
This is what the form looks like:
I figured out out how to auto populate the date, probably the easiest part of this. I would like the contact/phone/cell/e-mail and fax to autopopulate based off customer name if that information is there and I would also like to be able to pull the Customer Name from the customername field in my database (this is the big one). I can use either a drop down list or ideally the user would start typing and the name would fill in as they type. I would also like to pull quantity information from the database as well if the job is a repeat. In the future I would also like to be able to add new jobs that export to the database from the form automatically but that's way over my head and I need to think about how I want to do that. Is something like this even possible?
Thanks for any help.