First of all the limit to character number is not enough for my case. I would like to make sure that the user won't be able to enter more than 3 lines of text. In addition the field can be either filled in directly or using two other fields + button (as you can see below).
I managed to limit the amount of text that user can enter into the field by using the following two lines of codes:
this.maxH = "18mm"; //3 lines
xfa.event.change = "";
and checking those two checkboxes in the "Object/Field":
[x] Allow Multiple Lines
[x] Limit Lenght to Visible Area.
and in the "Layout" under height:
"9mm" / Expand to fit.
This works fine until I use a button that populates this field with content from another two fields:
Script in the Click event of a button:
var something = TextField2.rawValue + TextField3.rawValue;
TextField1.rawValue += something;
The above two lines "do not care" about the script of TextField1 in the Full event.
Is there a way to check if the "TextField1.rawValue += something;" will cause the TextField1 to overset the text and display an alert instead?
The LCD version i'm using is:
Many thanks for your help