I am creating a PDF form in flowable format that utilizes a lot of check boxes that when they are checked they show visibility of sub-information that is initially hidden on the main interface of the form. I can create action conditions ie (when checkbox 1 is checked) with a result ie (set the visibility of 'object' to visible or hidden, depending on whether I am checking or unchecking the form to show or remove the sub-information). The 'object' I can set to be a text field, check box, drop down list, radio button, but NOT a table as a whole. I need to be able to show and hide whole tables on my form. You can set the object to be a cell of the table, but after setting individual results to set the visibility of all cells to hidden, when checking or unchecking my checkbox above the table as a whole will not completely show or hide, checking the checkbox appears to do nothing to the table. I am not familiar with java scripts, but does anyone have a trick to achieve what I am trying to do or a java script to when a checkbox is checked or unchecked to result setting the visibility of a whole table to visible or hidden? THANK YOU!