I have a formula on my PDF that calculates page 1 totals, the formula works, every time I a number into one of the fields it does the calculation correct, but every time I type in it i get the following message: Script failed(language is formcalc,content is
script=sum(Table1.Row1[*].total[*]) + sum(Table2.Row1[*].total[*])
+ sum(Table3.Row1[*].total{*]) + sum(Table4.Row1[*].total[*]) +
sum(Table5.Row1[*].total[*]) + sum(Table6.Row1[*].total[*])
Error: Accessor 'Table1.Row1[*].total[*]' is unknown.
I even deleted the page total field and still got the message, made a new one, still get the message and I deleted Table 1 and made a new, still the same message.
appreciate the help,