I'm trying to round up a calculation result to the nearest hours
for example, I want the result: 4:49 to be 5
I have the a start time field and an endtime field and the a totalhours field which I have managed to get to work using the following script:
var startT = StartTime.formattedValue
var endT = EndTime.formattedValue
var differenceT = Time2Num(endT, "HH:MM") - Time2Num(startT, "HH:MM")
$ = Num2GMTime(differenceT, "H:MM")
However, the output is coming up as:
4:59, when I want it to just say 5
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
Please note, I have a very basic knowledge of this scripting just by searching the web, so baby steps would be really appreciated. Thank you :-)