I need the below to include seconds in the output field. I have looked everywhere and I'm sure simple. Please help.
if (HasValue(startsamplingtime) and HasValue(endsamplingtime)) then
var TimeDiff = (Time2Num(endsamplingtime.formattedValue, "HH:MM:SS") - Time2Num(startsamplingtime.formattedValue, "HH:MM:SS")) / (1000 * 60 * 60)
//truncate to hours
var HourDiff = Floor(TimeDiff/60)
//get minutes less than 60
var MinDiff = Mod(TimeDiff,60)
need seconds here
var SecDiff =
// build fomatted dispaly string
Concat( Format("Z9", HourDiff), ":", Format("99",MinDiff), ":", Format("99", SecDiff) )
// if any values missing null the output