On my form I have a drop-down select list that has 10 different "list items" (or values) to select from. When an item/value is selected the form then populates dollar amount values into other numeric fields on the form. This process is completed by using the Action Builder to set the value of the numeric field when a specific drop-down list value is "text-selected".
Although rare, I have noticed an issue that somehow allows the value of the select-list to be changed without also changing the value in the numeric field. When this occurs it creates confusion as the item selected in the drop-down does not match up with the numeric values.
My question is: Is there a setting that I can modify that will prevent this from happening? I'm certainly not an expert in Livecycle Design and I'm hoping I merely have an incorrect setting selected.
For reference, the settings of the drop-down are: Field: Commit On: Select, Value: Type: User Entered - Required, Value: Validation Pattern: None
For reference, the settings of the Action Builder are: Condition: When drop-down list {NAME} is Text-Selected {VALUE}
Result: Set value of {NUMERIC FIELD} to be {VALUE} (There are three of these same results for each value)