I am generating a flowed table with 2 aggregation levels using a XML data binding. 1st level INCOMES_TAXED, 2nd level DETAILS
The following formula works nicely as long as there is a minimum of 1 RowDetail displayed.
When the XML data file has no DETAILS for IMCOMES_TAXED, no RowDetail are displayed in the table and then I get the following error:
accessor $record.INCOMES_TAXED.INCOME_TAXED[*].DETAILS.DETAIL[*].TAX_CHF is unknown.
Strangely, this error doesn't happen when no INCOMES_TAXED elements are in the XML file.
This can be easily solved by setting the repeat row min to 1, but it generates unecessary blank lines.
Is there a better way to check if either the RowDetail exists or if DETAILS elements are in the XML.