I have a problem with the validation and the focus function when sending a form. I have two dynamic forms. I created a send pdf to E-mail custom button with a click event and I used a script that I found on a blog:
f(Textfeld4.rawValue != null)
//fill in e-mail
var Mailto = Textfeld4.rawValue;
//var Mailto = "test@test.de";
//fill in subject
//var YourSubject = Formular1.s1.subject.rawValue;
var YourSubject = Textfeld3.rawValue;
//fill in message
//var YourMessage = "Content PDF:\r" + "Field content: " + Formular1.s1.inhalt.rawValue + "\rName: "
var YourMessage = " ";
var Mail = "mailto:" + Mailto + "?Subject=" + YourSubject + "&Body=" + YourMessage;
//cSubmitAs: "PDF" send the pdf as attachment
//cSubmitAs: "XML" send the pdf as xml-attachment
cURL: Mail,
bEmpty: true,
cSubmitAs: "PDF"
With these settings:
On the first form, the validation and the focusing to the first blank fields are working perfectly. I used the same script on another dynamic form and the validation and focusing are not working. I used the same script with little changes but the validation and focusing aren't working. The fields are not being focused and are not colored red. Did I miss something?
Kind regards