I have a form that either the Human Resources or the Requesting college has to approve before you can email it to Grant and contracts. On the button that emails i have the following validation to make sure that the signature is filled in. It can be one of 2 signatures. when you click the button it will work for the Human Resources field but not for the College approval field. I can't figure out what is wrong! any help greatly appreciated!
if (HRApproval.HRSigField.presence == "visible")
{var getSigField = event.target.getField("form1[0].HRApproval[0].HRSigField[0]");
var oState = getSigField.signatureValidate();
if (oState == 0)
{xfa.host.messageBox("Human Resources Approval Required");}}
if (CollegeApproval.CollegeSigField.presence == "visible")
{var getSigField1 = event.target.getField("form1[0].CollegeApproval[0].CollegeSigField[0]");
var oState1 = getSigField1.signatureValidate();
if (oState1 == 0)
{xfa.host.messageBox("Requesting College Approval Required");}}