Hi ,
I am stuck in a situation where I am trying to Apply these DB operations using SQL server 2012.
I have created a DSN to access my database and I have created a simple form to store and fetch First name and Last Name of employee. I have created a Data Connection and able to fetch Records from database. I am only getting the first record from my database which is shown automatically on my binded form fields and I am using the following the Scripts to navigate to other records by applying click action to buttons.
xfa.sourceSet.ApplicationData.next(); // Application Data is my Data Connection Name
xfa.sourceSet.ApplicationData.addNew(); // To Add new record.
Both these scripts are not working and not returning anything using client JavaScript. Please also see the attached form for more Info.
As I am using Trial version of Livecycle Designer ES4, so is it some limitation or am I missing something . Is it an issue of reader extension .
please let me know ASAP.
Vinay Mahajan
email :- vinay.mahajan25@gmail.com