When the web service is executed from inside PDF the result looks as follows:
The webservice accepts the following required parameters:
1. Period: YYYYMM. User Specified Value.
2. Staff ID: 9999999. It must be supplied automatcially to the web service and it must be the Windows ID of the User Logged In to Windows
Other parameters are optional.
1. I am not using any Adobe Forms Server Technology. I can use LiveCycle Desinger ES2 and LiveCycle Reader Extensions Server.
2. I can alse develop using .NET to get the Logged In User ID (Windows), generate the XDP from ASPX Page and attach the XML to the XDP.
3. We are using IE8 with Adobe Reader 9 Plugin (IE add-on) to display LiveCycle PDF inside IE.
1. First time the webservice is executed, I will get a prompt to allow/deny execution of the webservice. This is a security issue here, becuase we do not want any user to know the link to the Web Service. How we can hide the link to the webservice and prevent any user from getting the link ?
2. How I can stop the Prompt to Allow/Deny execution to the Web Service for good ? As you know, users will get confused, and when we launch this PDF, it will generate a lot of calls to the Service Desk (more than 1000 users).
3. The Web Service uses Simple User Name/Password for authentication to run the webservice. I need to embed the User Name/Password inside
the PDF, and also prevent any user for getting them, how ?
4. I want to send the Staff ID Parameter to the Web Service Automatically which is the Logged In User ID (Windows). This is the same value of the "Login Name" which can be accessed using Acrobat JavaScript. But the problem, this script must be trusted, and it will be a long story. Any ideas how to implement this requirement using simple methods ?
5. If I manage to send the Staff ID Parameter to the Webservice automatically (Logged In User ID), also, I want to prevent the user from sending a different user ID, ie, prevent him from using Import Data to Form to specify a Different User ID for the Webservice Parameter. How ?
I appreciate your help if you have any ideas about the above.