I have this script in the click event of a submit button:
bUI: true,
cTo: "name@follett.com; " + "name@follett.com;",
cCc: page1.injuredInfo.injuryInfo.descField.rawValue + ";" + page1.injuredInfo.injuryInfo.gvpEmail.rawValue + ";" + "name@follett.com; " + "name@follett.com; " + "name@follett.com;"
+ "name@follett.com;" + "name@follett.com;" + "name@follett.com",
cSubject: "Incident Report - " + page1.incidentInfo.incidentType.formattedValue,
cMsg: "",
I've taken the actual names out of the email addresses for privacy, but I have tested each email address and they are valid. The two "rawValue" fields are appearing as null and only 2 of the remaining email addresses are displaying in the email.
The fields where the rawValues are coming from were hidden and that didn't work so I made them visible to test and it's still not working.
The email addresses in the cTo: line are working fine.
I'm not sure what's wrong.
Thanks in advance for your help!