I'm new to LiveCycle. Just trying to learn. All my previous experience is with MS Access.
I have created a form with 6 fields per row. Each field is bound to a field in a single Access Table.
The user must click a button to add a new row and enter additional records.
I created this form based on several training videos I have studied.
When I enter data into one or more records, nothing is saved to the Access Table.
I think everything is correctly bound as I have reviewed this over and over with multiple instruction sources
In the same access file I have created tables that feed the drop down lists on the form. This works perfectly.
Just can't get the new data back to the Access table.
All the instructions I have found so far are about creating the binding or emailing the data back to a website.
Can someone help me find instructions that explain how to save the data back to the bound fields in and Access Table?
Eventually we will be using SQL tables but the server is not up and running yet.
I'm using Access for training right now.
Thank You