Hey All,
I have a pretty in depth form that I have been updating in Adobe LiveCycle for several years now with populated large dropdown options and so on, but with the Cloud I have to also download the LiveCycle program separately. I have no issues with that, but with the latest upgrade to Adobe Acrobat DC from the cloud deleted my LiveCycle. Does anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions? Is LiveCycle just that out of date? To me it had so much more control over forms than anything I have tried in Acrobat and I really need that kind of control. I do not see where in Acrobat to populate my dropdown menus and in the last Acrobat XI it would automatically move me back into LiveCycle when I did try to update my forms so I was ok with that.
Please any advice at all is appreciated! I have searched and searched and I see what looks to be a LiveCycle ES4 for sale on Adobe.com, but is this not part of the cloud? Are they still upgrading LiveCycle? Do I bother trying?
Thank you!