I'm a bit confused and lost.
On a form I created, I have 6 drop down boxes. These 6 drop down boxes use unique specified item values for the list items
Drop down box 1 has list items: Cheque, debit card, credit card, other
Drop down box 2 has list items: John, Sally, George, Peter
Drop down box 1 3 5 are globally bound to each other as are 2 4 6 bound to each other.
In drop down box 1 if I select "other", box 3 and 5 also display "other" (working correctly)
In drop down box 2 if I select "Sally", box 2 displays "Sally" box 4 and 6 display the unique value assigned to "Sally" (Not working correctly)
How do I force drop box 4 and 6 to display the text and not the specified item value?
Also what if I want to have a drop box where I select a list item value (e.g. "Other") but have the document display the specified item value instead?
So using the example above, in drop box 1, I select "Other", drop box 1 3 and 5 display "11123" (the unique specified item value)