Hi All
I have a repeating row in a table (+\- button on each row to add / delete). On each row the user selects a value from a drop down (the dropdown list is populated from a JavaScript object literal if that makes any odds)
What I need to do is to check for duplicate drop down selections on different rows and warn the user they have selected a value twice.
I currently have this code in the change event of the dropdown which works great but for the first row only - how do I tweak it to work for every instance of the repeatable row 'FullRowSubForm'??
if (xfa.event.newText == form1.WorkforceDepSubForm.WorkforceLineSubform.FullRowSubForm.RepeatableRow.WorkforceRow1 .WorkforceNameTextField.rawValue)
xfa.host.messageBox("WARNING you have already selected " + xfa.event.newText + "\n" + "\n" + "Only one instance of dependencies should be selected - please pick another dependency or delete.");
Thanks in advance