We translate LC files using a Deja vu (CAT tool). We Create translation IDs when saving and use Dynamic setting. Original files are being revised from LC3 or MS Word to LC4, then we process them in our CAT tool using the xdp files. Sometimes the Spanish created xdp file gives me error messages and I can't open the file in Design view. When I try opening the file, LC automatically goes to the XML Source tab and shows the code.
After looking over the error messages and the XML code, I found this:
<?renderCache.textRun 63 provide ongoing training and assistance as needed or requested. 0 34377 351568 0 0 0 "Arial" 0 0 10000 ISO-8859-1?></draw> <draw name="Text6" y="137.793mm" w="203.037mm" h="7.62mm" locale="en_US">
and this:
<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xfa="http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.... style="margin-left:2.15pt;font-weight:bold">Additional Employer Responsibilities</p></body>
These are errors but how did they get there if the original file does not have them. Deja vu has processed lots of LC forms but encounters weird errors like this once in a while. I'm thinking this might be happening because of copying and pasting into LiveCycle, but can't determine how to avoid these errors from the beginning. Please help! Thank you.