Word of caution: I had posted this in another forum but noticed this forum is far more active so thought I'd give it a shot!
I'm new to Adobe LiveCycle Designer and have been trying my hand at it over the last week. I've been successful at reading up across the internet to resolve various issues such as ensuring that data input into a text field can break across pages and creating check boxes to make content hidden or appear depending on the action set. I am currently stuck trying to figure out how to do a couple of things, namely:-
- In creating check boxes to make content hidden or appear, when I am in the design view, I have to set the presence of subform 1 to "Hidden (Exclude from Layout)". That's been the only way I've been successful. But the issue is that I can't view the content in subform 1 on the design view as the presence is set to hidden. "Invisible" is another option but the result is the same. My issue is that I would like to place other subforms in place of that "hidden" area if the checkbox for subform 1 is not checked. Is there a way to do this i.e. to have a subform 2 placed in the area just below the checkbox of subform 1 whilst being able to view the contents of subform 1 in the design view otherwise future editing causes a lot of issues.
- This is somewhat related to the above. My issue is that with subform 2, which is another checkbox with hidden content (with further future hidden content), the text fields in design view would span across several pages. As the content I am allowed to create on a particular page is limited, is there a way to link subforms across pages? I've looked at the following pages but I don't think I understand it or I am not doing it correctly, "Creating and repeating multipage subforms"; "Subform properties in the Pagination tab" and "To specify how to merge data between subforms".
I am grateful for any assistance rendered as I am at my wits end and I'm not exactly a techie either so going into this was rather a tough ask. Please let me know if you require any further information. I hope I've posted this in the correct discussion area!