Background info:
I am using LiveCycle Designer ES2.
I have 4 fields - three radio button groups with 3 items each; and one numeric field that calculates the sum of the 3 radio button group values.
Each radio button group has the same 3 items:
- "Claimed" with a value of 10; This means the person is reimbursed this amount.
- "Provided" with a value of 0; and This means the meal was provided at the event, and the person is not reimbursed.
- "N/A" also with a value of 0. This means the meal is not eligible to be reimbursed.
The numeric field (Claimable amount) has this JS calculation - parseInt(pfdBreakfast.rawValue) + parseInt(pfdLunch.rawValue) + parseInt(pfdDinner.rawValue);
Is there a workaround to allow 2 radio buttons in the same group to have to the same value? OR Is there a totally different method to obtain the results I need?
Note: I tried putting "1" for the N/A value but, of course, each N/A value was added to the sum.
I also tried putting "N" for the N/A value but the numeric field calculation wouldn't work at all.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.