I'd like to have a multiple line message in the body of the email. I can get the text to be included, but all in one line. How do I get the lines to be separated into several separate lines? Everything except the formatting of the message works fine. Here is my script, that isn't working:
bUI: false,
cTo: "",
cCc: "includedaccounting@fheg.follett.com;",
cSubject: "True up Complete" + " " + page1.storeInfo.arMajor.rawValue + " " + pages1_3.page1.storeInfo.storeNum.rawValue,
cMsg: "Hello," ;
+ "The true up for this store has been completed. Please find the links to the checklist and reconciliation below.\n";
+ "Checklist: \n";
+ "Reconciliation: \n";
+ "Thank you, \n";