I was wondering if it was possible to store information based on user-input into one object in one file and then have that automatically write into the second file. if so, how would i do that?
IE) Lets say i have File 1. File 1 has a Text Field and the user has stored the following information in there from filling in the form in PDF.
Text Field 1 Contents: 45432 Aller St
Now there is a second Text Field in another file, File 2. I want Text Field 2s Contents to be the exact same as Text Field 1 without having to write in to it again.
(Cloned in/transferred over somehow?)
Text Field 2 Contents: 45432 Aller St
AGAIN Note that these are two complete SEPERATE FILES but i want their contents duplicated over from one form to another without having to write in to them twice.