I've been batting this one back and forth for weeks now and every time I think I've finally nailed it something breaks it.
Entering different values can cause terrible trouble for the calculations. It's all based on a cheat's way of calculating time by using left and right to capture the values for hours and minutes and then using them in a calculation before glueing them together using concatenation.
It seems to handle minus figures up to a point and when I halve the standard working hours things can go very wrong.
Here's a full list of the scripts used. I'd be grateful if someone could help identify what I need to do to catch and fix these anomalies.
Calculating a Working Day
if (HasValue(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.endPM) & HasValue(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.startAM))
// Compute time difference in minutes
var TimeDiff = ((Time2Num(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.endPM.formattedValue, "H:MM") - Time2Num(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.startAM.formattedValue, "H:MM")) / (1000 * 60)
- (Time2Num(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.startPM.formattedValue, "H:MM") - Time2Num(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.endAM.formattedValue, "H:MM")) / (1000 * 60))
// truncate to hours
var HourDiff = Floor(TimeDiff/60)
// get minutes less than 60
var MinDiff = Mod(TimeDiff,60)
// build formatted string
var netTime = concat(Format("Z9", HourDiff), ":" , Format("99",MinDiff))
//var Final = concat((HourDiff), ":" , (MinDiff))
elseif (HasValue(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.startAM) & HasValue(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.endAM) & (form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.endPM.rawValue==null))
// Compute time difference in minutes
var TimeDiff = ((Time2Num(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.endAM.formattedValue, "H:MM") - Time2Num(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.startAM.formattedValue, "H:MM")) / (1000 * 60))
// - (Time2Num(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.startPM.formattedValue, "H:MM") - Time2Num(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.endAM.formattedValue, "H:MM")) / (1000 * 60))
// truncate to hours
var HourDiff = Floor(TimeDiff/60)
// get minutes less than 60
var MinDiff = Mod(TimeDiff,60)
// build formatted string
var netTime = concat(Format("Z9", HourDiff), ":" , Format("99",MinDiff))
//var Final = concat((HourDiff), ":" , (MinDiff))
// if any values missing null the output
Calculating Weekly Hours
var MonMin = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.monTotal, 2)
var TueMin = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Tues.tueTotal, 2)
var wedMin = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.wed.wedTotal, 2)
var thurMin = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.thur.thurTotal,2)
var friMin = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.fri.friTotal,2)
var TotalMin = sum(MonMin, TueMin, wedMin, thurMin, friMin)
var MonHour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Mon.monTotal,2)
var TueHour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.Tues.tueTotal,2)
var WedHour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.wed.wedTotal,2)
var ThuHour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.thur.thurTotal,2)
var FriHour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.fri.friTotal,2)
var TotalHour = sum(MonHour, TueHour, WedHour, ThuHour, FriHour)
var Minutes = Mod(TotalMin,60)
var FinTot = floor((TotalMin / 60 )) + (TotalHour)
var MinRem
if (Minutes < 10) then
MinRem = concat("0", Minutes)
MinRem = Minutes
$.rawValue = concat(FinTot, ":", MinRem)
Calculating Hours Gained or Lost over the Week
var item1 = ((left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.total.weekTotal, 2)) + (left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.authAbs,2)))
var item2 = ((right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.total.weekTotal,2)) + (right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.authAbs,2)))
var itemA = left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.std.stdHours,2)
var itemB = right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.std.stdHours,2)
var hourDiff = (item1 - itemA)
var minDiff = (item2 - itemB)
var final
if ((hourDiff < 0) and (item2 > 0))
then hourDiff = ((hourDiff)-- 1)
minDiff = (60 - item2)
final = concat(hourDiff, ":", minDiff)
elseif ((hourDiff > 0) and (item2 > 0))
then final = concat(hourDiff, ":", minDiff)
elseif ((hourDiff > 0) and (item2 == 0))
then final=concat(hourDiff,":","0",minDiff)
$.rawValue = final
Calculating the Total Number of Hours worked over the four week period
var W1Min = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.total.weekTotal, 2)
var W2Min = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part3.part3body.timesheet2.total.weekTotal, 2)
var W3Min = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part4.part4body.timesheet3.total.weekTotal, 2)
var W4Min = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.p5.part5body.timesheet3.total.weekTotal,2)
var TotalWMin = sum(W1Min, W2Min, W3Min, W4Min)
var W1Hour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.timesheet.total.weekTotal,2)
var W2Hour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part3.part3body.timesheet2.total.weekTotal,2)
var W3Hour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part4.part4body.timesheet3.total.weekTotal,2)
var W4Hour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.p5.part5body.timesheet3.total.weekTotal,2)
var TotalWHour = sum(W1Hour, W2Hour, W3Hour, W4Hour)
var Minutes = Mod(TotalWMin,60)
var FinTot = floor((TotalWMin / 60 )) + (TotalWHour)
var MinRem
if (Minutes < 10) then
MinRem = concat("0", Minutes)
MinRem = Minutes
$.rawValue = concat(FinTot, ":", MinRem)
Calculating the Total Number of Conditioned Hours
var c1Min = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.std.stdHours, 2)
var c2Min = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part3.part3body.std2.stdHours, 2)
var c3Min = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part4.part4body.std2.stdHours, 2)
var c4Min = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.p5.part5body.std2.stdHours,2)
var TotalCMin = sum(c1Min, c2Min, c3Min, c4Min)
var c1Hour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.std.stdHours,2)
var c2Hour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part3.part3body.std2.stdHours,2)
var c3Hour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part4.part4body.std2.stdHours,2)
var c4Hour = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.p5.part5body.std2.stdHours,2)
var TotalCHour = sum(c1Hour, c2Hour, c3Hour, c4Hour)
var Minutes = Mod(TotalCMin,60)
var FinTot = floor((TotalCMin / 60 )) + (TotalCHour)
var MinRem
if (Minutes < 10) then
MinRem = concat("0", Minutes)
MinRem = Minutes
$.rawValue = concat(FinTot, ":", MinRem)
Calculating the Difference Between Total Hours and Conditioned Hours
//Establish variables for calculations
var minGain = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.hoursGain,2) // Gets the last two digits of the Hours Gained field to establish the number of minutes
var weekMin = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.p6.part6.totalHours, 2) // Gets the last two digits of the Total Hours field to establish the number of minutes
var totalMin = sum(minGain,weekMin) // Add the minutes together
var hrGain = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.part2.part2body.hoursGain,2) // Gets the first two digits of the Hours Gained field to establish the number of hours
var weekHr = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.p6.part6.totalHours,2) // Gets the first two digits of the Total Hours field to establish the number of hours
var totalHours = sum(hrGain,weekHr) // Adds the number of hours together
var Minutes = Mod(totalMin,60)
var finalTotal = floor((totalMin / 60 )) + (totalHours)
if (Minutes < 10 )
then minRem = concat("0",Minutes)
else minRem = Minutes
//$.rawValue = concat(finalTotal,":",minRem)
var totHrs = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.p6.part6.totalHours,3)
var totMins = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.p6.part6.totalHours,2)
var condHrs = Left(form1.flow.page.parent.p6.part6.textField,3)
var condMins = Right(form1.flow.page.parent.p6.part6.textField,2)
var gainLossHrs = (totHrs - condHrs)
var gainLossMins = (totMins - condMins)
var gainLossRem
if (gainLossMins < 10)
then gainLossRem= concat("0",gainLossMins)
else gainLossRem = gainLossMins
$.rawValue = concat(gainLossHrs,":",gainLossRem)