I use a formcalc script in a livecycle forms to concat some fields in a subject field.
In one form it is working and in the other form I got everytime an error. This is irritating.
The concat script is the following:
//using the FormCalc Concat function with right fieldname sequences ship ENQ form alternatief
Concat("SOP-Questionnaire ENQ", " ", p1_EnquiryQForm-Assured.P1_1_AssuredsDetails.Raets_ref_no, " ", p3_EnquiryQForm_Vessel.P3_1AssuredVesselDetails_recap.p3_1_Vessel_name, " ", p3_EnquiryQForm_Vessel.P3_1AssuredVesselDetails_recap.IMOnumber, ".pdf")
Checked with Notepad + to validate, but got the message that the accessor IMOnumber is unknown. When I skip this reference and concat only the other fields I got another error in another field.
Anyone has a clue?
Please let me know?
Ed Boon