In my form, I have added a button to submit the form via email. I have also added javascript code to the button so that when clicked, it will add a date to a text field and then lock the fields and make the submit button invisible. When I break down the process, i.e. I set up the button as a submit via email. That works. I then add the javascript code to add a date to a text field, that works together with submitting via email. When I add the javascript code to lock the fields and make the submit button (AcceptTerms) invisible, everything works, except sending the form back via email! It's driving me nuts because I have used this formula many, many times and it has worked perfectly. Why not now? I am using ES2 and here is the code:
EffectiveDate.rawValue = util.printd("mm/dd/yyyy",new Date());
// The following code confirms whether to Lock the form
var cMsg = "Please ensure that you have checked the box above accepting the terms of sale.\n\n"
cMsg += "By selecting OK the form will be set up to send via email.\n\n"
cMsg += "Select CANCEL to stop submission of the email.\n\n"
var nRtn = app.alert(cMsg,1,1, "Lock Form");
if(nRtn == 1)
{ // A Yes Answer//Protects each field
CheckBox1.access = "protected";
EffectiveDate.access = "protected";
AcceptTerms.access = "protected";
AcceptTerms.presence = "invisible";