Hi guys,
I currently work on the IT Service Desk at UWS and would like your assistance with modifying some of our existing IT Access Forms.
Currently we have a submit function on our forms that when pressed will check that some mandatory fields are completed and sends an email into our ticketing system (just a mailto: itservicedesk@uws.edu.au)
The problem we are facing is requests are coming to us without approval so we are having to contact supervisors and check if the forms submitted by their staff are approved; very time consuming
What I was thinking is:
When user clicks the Submit button that the form picks up the email address entered into "Email Address" under Supervisor Details.
The form then emails the form to the supervisor with text that reads:
Dear Supervisor,
Could you please advise if you approve of the IT Access Form (attached). If you approve please Forward this email to itservicedesk@uws.edu.au (wording doesn't matter I can play around with it, moreso the coding behind the button)
I was unable to figure out how to attach our form in it's current state. If you could let me know how to do this I will attach it (can only find attach Image or Video)
Can you please investigate if this is possible for me? I have little to no knowledge of Java code or whatever it is that these things run on.