I need to display an unordered list inside a simple pdf file, something like this
- Line 1
- Line 2
That list has to be passed to the report as input (from my web application code).
So I created a Rich TextField and bind it to a xml field expected in input for the report.
Now if the input value for that list is this:
<body><p>- Line 1 </p><p>- Line 2 </p></body>
The pdf report correctly display:
- Line 1
- Line 2
but in case of a long text
- jdjdkddsd....
instead of:
- jdjdkddsd....
So is there a way to get the correct indentation ?
I tried with <body><ul><li>- Line 1 </li><li>- Line 2 </li></ul></body> but it doesn't work.
Isn't the UL tag supported?