Hi everyone,
I'm relatively new to LiveCycle and have had a fair amount of success creating forms, but I have run into an issue. I have created an site-review form that has comment fields (text fields) which expand to accommodate the amount of notes take by the reviewer. I have set it so that the fields expand and push the items below down and onto a second page as needed.
The real issue occurs when the text filed expands onto the next page. When the text field moves down, it changes it's Y axis location and subsequently throws the formatting of the form off. I would like the text field to remain at Y: 4.25in.
The file can be downloaded at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/adefc6gnzlrk0eq/SRST-EFMP%2020160913-test01.pdf?dl=0
I am currently running LiveCycle ES2 v9.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.