I am trying to download Adobe Livecycle ES4 Designer trial version with no success. It goes to the page: "
Now that LiveCycle has been extended to Adobe Experience Manager forms (AEM forms) we have moved our trial site from http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/downloads.html to the AEM trials infrastructure. To request a trial contact your Adobe sales representative http://www.adobe.com/products/request-consultation/marketing-cloud.html or partner manager.
The same dependable features that you have come to appreciate in LiveCycle are now available in Adobe Experience Manager forms (AEM forms) and so much more. AEM forms can transform complex enterprise forms and processes into simple engaging digital experiences, anytime, anywhere, on any device. For more information go to:www.adobe.com/go/aemforms"
I have tried to download Adobe Experience Manager. However, I can not find link to download. Can anybody help me to download Adobe Livecycle?