Hi, an thanks for any help.
How do I set up a multiple dropdown linked fields
This is for a cloour selection form for a colour consultant for a building company.
1st Dropdown (Roof Supplier) Choice of (CSR Monier | Boral Roofing | Bristile | Dynamic Roofing)
2nd Dropdown (Roof Type) populates based on the first answer
(if CSR = Concrete Roof Tiles | Elemental Roof Tiles | Solar Roof Tiles | Terracotta Roof Tiles)
(If Boral = Concrete Roof Tiles | Terracotta Roof Tiles)
(If Dynamic = Metal Roofing)
(If Bristile = Concrete Roof Tiles | Terracotta Roof Tiles | Metal Roofing)
3rd Dropdown (Roof Profile) populates based on second answers
(If CSR, Concrete Roof Tiles = Horizon | Traditional | Cambridge | Madison | Georgian | Homestead | Elabana)
(If CSR, Terracotta Roof Tiles = Nullarbor | Nouveau | Marseille)
(If Boral, Concrete Roof Tiles = Slimline | Macquarie | Capri)
etc etc
4th Dropdown (Roof Colour) populates based on third answers
(If Boral, Concrete Roof Tiles, Slimline = Black | Grey | White | White)
I have a number of these type of quirries
Bricks, Range & Style
Facia & Gutter, Style & Colour
Windows & Colour
Toilet Supplier, Range & Model.
Any help would be greatly appreciated