Pardon my inexperience but I have a question regarding availability of LiveCycle and I am very unfamiliar with Adobe and their products/services. We have a 3rd party product we've used for several years that allows us to merge Lotus Notes/Domino data onto PDFs. We created the fields on the PDFs using Adobe LiveCycle in the past (4 yrs ago). We have a new INS government requirement to update one of these PDFs by Jan 22, 2017 but we cannot seem to obtain a copy of LiveCycle (Standard ES4 or Forms Pro ES4) anywhere or it is extremely difficult.
I've left a message for Adobe Support but have not gotten a response. We are under a deadline and need some help obtaining a license. We subscribe to the Creative Cloud service but I cannot even find it there. Very frustrating....any help is appreciated in obtaining the LiveCycle version we need.