Hi, I have designed a Form with two combo boxes. The first combo box contains some Profit Code and the second Combo Box contains Cost Code. When a user selects a Profit Code from first Combo Box, the second Combo Box will get populated with certain list of values. The Cost Code combo is dynamic one and its list of values will change according to the choice of Profit Code selected. Each Profit Code should display multiple Cost Codes in the Cost Code combo box. The Cost Codes should be generated with its first two characters same as the first two characters of the Profit Code followed by some static strings. I have extracted the first two characters of Profit Code selected and append the same with the static string and store it in a variable. I then using addItem() inserts the same into the Cost Code combo box. This is repeated for all the possible values for the Cost Code. But the problem is no value is being populated in Cost Code whatever Profit Code I selected. Kindly help.