I am trying to modify a form to add a button that takes values from fields that will be populated by the user and then send an email using these fields
currently I have the following script:
var vTo = ""
var vCC= xfa.resolveNode("RequestorEmail").rawValue;
var vSubject = "Purchase Request #: " + xfa.resolveNode("OfficeSymbol1").rawValue + xfa.resolveNode("PurchaseRequest").rawValue + " --> " + xfa.resolveNode("PriorityDesignator").rawValue;
var vBody = "Purchase Request #: " + xfa.resolveNode("OfficeSymbol1").rawValue + xfa.resolveNode("PurchaseRequest").rawValue + " / " + xfa.resolveNode("PriorityDesignator").rawValue + "\nThis PR has been submitted to your manager\n" + xfa.resolveNode("Justification").rawValue + "\n" + xfa.resolveNode("SpecialInstructions").rawValue + "\n" + "The date the requestor is needing the items by " + xfa.resolveNode("DateNeeded").rawValue;
event.target.app.mailDOC({bUI: true, cTo: vTo, cCc: vCC, cSubject: vSubject, cMsg: vBody});