I don't have a "print" button programmed on my form.
We want users to save it (I do have "save" buttons) and forward the interactive PDF to others who have sections to complete via email. I have users who, despite education, help links, a general pop up window they can click on for instructions, etc., are printing the form, completing it by hand, scanning it as a new static PDF, and forwarding it -- thus eradicating the interactive commands.
Is there a way to program a message box to pop up when a user tries to print the form, warning about how that action impacts future steps on the process?
I tried a PrePrint event on the master page:
xfa.host.messageBox("This is my message. ", "Do not print", 3);
but that didn't work.
I've searched online for answers, but what I can find all links back to requiring mandatory fields to be completed before a form can be printed. Our form won't necessarily be completed at the point someone wants to print it -- it has several steps before all the fields will be completed. Requiring all mandatory fields be completed before printing won't achieve what I need.
Can this be done?