Currently in the "Borrower Names" List Box I have my code as (in the ENTER event):
this.rawValue = null;
var nCount = Section2.Table1.instanceManager.count;
var nCount2 = Section2.Table1.instanceManager.count;
for (var i=0; i<=nCount; i++)
var vFld = xfa.resolveNode("Section2.Table1[" + i + "]");
var vObj = vFld.Guarantor.Row1.GaurantorFirstName.rawValue;
for (var i=0; i<=nCount2; i++)
var vFld2 = xfa.resolveNode("Section2.Table1[" + i + "]");
var vObj2 = vFld2.NonGuarantor.Row1.NonGaurantorFirstName.rawValue;
When a new instance is added, the user can either choose Guarantor or Non Guarantor. Both sections have a "First Name" text field. These names need to be added to the listbox under "Borrower Names" under Section 3. Need help correcting the code to make it work. Please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks!! I am only getting "Bob" to show up instead of both "Bob" and "Jane" (referring to example above)
FORM LINK Dropbox - Loan Submission Form.pdf