Hi everyone,
I'm working to bind an XML structure with a lot of pointers, rather than hard relationships (the XML structure is NIEM based). I'm trying to force this into the "Data Binding" field rather than using JavaScript. At long last I was able to get the following to return to me the reference ID I expected by using the resolveNode() function:
PacketRequest.Data.GuidelineBasedActivity.ItemEntityAssociation.[Entit y.EntityPerson.ref==$.resolveNode("PacketRequest.Data.ChildSupportEnfo rcementCase.ChildSupportEnforcementCaseAugmentation.CaseParticipant.[C aseParticipantAugmentation.CaseParticipantInvolvementRoleCode==""CP""] .RoleOfPerson.ref")].AssetItem.ref
Now I'm trying to take it one level deeper to use that ID to match to the specific entity I need to pull a value for. To do that I'm trying to nest resolveNode() functions. I've assumed based on how CP worked before that I need to increase the number of quotes to do literal quotes, and I've tried a number of combinations of the following (two quotes, one quote) but none seem to work:
PacketRequest.Data.AssetItem.[id==$.resolveNode("PacketRequest.Data.Gu idelineBasedActivity.ItemEntityAssociation.[Entity.EntityPerson.ref==$ .resolveNode(""PacketRequest.Data.ChildSupportEnforcementCase.ChildSup portEnforcementCaseAugmentation.CaseParticipant.[CaseParticipantAugmen tation.CaseParticipantInvolvementRoleCode=="""CP"""].RoleOfPerson.ref" ")].AssetItem.ref")].AssetItemEquity.ItemValueAmount.Amount
Does anyone know if it is possible to embed resolveNode() functions in a SOM expression or if there is another way to accomplish what I'm trying to do without scripting?