Hi all,
I have a strange problem that I'm having trouble getting to the bottom of, relating to my dynamic form.
This form grows and shrinks depending on how the user fills it out. I have a questionnaire section where certain questions are hidden or shown depending on previous input.
Things get interesting when I look at the tab order. Sometimes when tabbing forward or backward across page breaks, the focus lands on a spot that I cannot identify. There will be no cursor and I can not type. However if I continue to tab in the same direction, I can see that it is still going in the correct sequence. It just looks like for some reason, in those places, focus is put in the wrong component. But if I type different input into the prior fields (ones that affect the length of the pages) that causes the field to move to different place where it's not adjacent to a page break, and then tabbing to the field in either direction works fine. It seems that only when it's beside a page break, it becomes problematic.
Also, it only seems to be a problem if the field gets moved to be adjacent to a page break AFTER the form is initially rendered. If the field was originally beside a page break by default, then it seems to work fine.
Just to rule out a possible problem with the tab order configuration, I set my from to Automatic tabs, and even went as far as removing all the <traversal> elements from the form.
After doing either of those things, the problem still persists.
Has anyone seen this before?