This is a question that is really bothering me. I have a check box that says completed that when checked it changes the font color of a drop down list. Which the coding works fine on my machine but when I e-mail it out other people cant seem to get it to function. It is saved as a dynamic PDF when I open it in reader it works fine on my machine I have sent this form to 2 other people and when they test it the functionality isnt there. Please help!!!!!!!! Here is the code that I am using on the exit event of the check box.
(CompletedCheckBox.rawValue ==true) {
xfa.resolveNode("form1.CSIHANDOFF.SetupTable.SetupRow.ProspectDDL.ui.# choiceList.border.fill.color").value
xfa.resolveNode("form1.CSIHANDOFF.SetupTable.SetupRow.ProspectDDL.ui.# choiceList.border.fill.color").value