Here is the code I have. I have tested it and it works on the one number field. (in Formcalc)
if ((FS270Pt1 >= 28.5) and (FS270Pt1 <= 38))
then FS270Pt1.font.fill.color.value = "0,0,0"
else FS270Pt1.font.fill.color.value = "255,0,0"
I have 15 number fields that I need to apply this color font to should the criteria be met. I am trying to use a While statement to achieve this. From what I know I have deduced that it would look something like this:
var i = 1
while (i <= 15)
if ((FS270Pt(i) >= 28.5) and (FS270Pt(i) <= 38))
then FS270Pt(i).font.color.value = "0,0,0"
else FS270Pt(i).font.color.value = "255,0,0"
i = i + 1
When I run the 'Check Script Syntax' I do not get any errors. However, at runtime it states that FS270Pt is unknown. How can I perform a loop on the binding names of the fields?