I have the PDF form with several fields. I want to set the value of one field depending on selection made by the user in other field. I am trying to use if statement but it does not work for me. I have copied below the script I am trying to use.
form1.#pageSet[0].Page1.Table.Table3[0].Row1.Cell1::change - (JavaScript, client)
if (oField.rawValue == "Service Alert")
this.resolveNode("Cell4").rawValue = "A";
else if (oField.rawValue == "Service Bulletin")
this.resolveNode("Cell4").rawValue = "B";
When user selects Service Alert in Cell1 I want the value of Cell4 to be set to A and if Service Bulletin is selected I want the value of Cell4 to be set to B.
Can someone help me with the script. I have done a bit of searching and tested verious syntax but nothing did work. I hope someone will help me to have it working.