Here is the scenario
A form with about 16 sections all with radio button options and sub options that allow someone to pick the output they desire
On the right side I have a section reserved on the master page to dynamically upate and show what options they have picked and the cost associated.
I initially used several hidden buttons to make the section move by manipulating foo.y but the movement was to jerky
Instead I chose to use a master page
here is a code example in formcalc for one of the radio button groups on the change event
if ( $.rawValue == 1)
pg1.chk2.rawValue = (1) ///this sets the groups parent check box to active (the checbox when unset clears the radio button group)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 1)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 0)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 0)
elseif ( $.rawValue == 2 )
pg1.chk2.rawValue = (1)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 0)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 1)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 0)
elseif ( $.rawValue == 3 )
pg1.chek2.rawValue = (1)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 0)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 0)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 1)
pg1.chk2.rawValue = (0)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 0)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 0)
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances( 0)
the _joe refered to is a textfield on the masterpage
on form1 under docReady
I set all teh instances initially to 0
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances(0 )
xfa.resolveNode("").setInstances(0 )
when I fire the document
on the first page the master page updates dynamically like I expect but all other instances of the master page do not
here is a further breakdown in case it helps
bz flowed top to bottom
mvr flowed top to bottom
uper flowed top to bottom
flw flowed top to bottom
joe flowed top to bottom cheked repeat subform for each data item checked max 9 min count uncheked initial count unchecked
the reasoning for this layout instead of hidden items is so that they group properly instead of with huge spaces between
Again this seems to work for one instance of bz but none of the others
I know that the bz is repeating becuase there is a single text field (used as header ) directly under its heiarchy
If I move it under mvr or any of the other subforms it fails to replicate
Any help would be appreciated